“I’ve been utilising Jennifer’s impressive wealth of knowledge and information, alongside her expansive skill set for not only myself but also my husband and two children. I’ve been seeking her advice and input for everything from women’s issues, to protein consumption for increasing muscle mass, to vitamin intake and diet for children, as well as optimal ways of fasting and staying hydrated. She is always really helpful and informative. She is excellent in extracting and analyzing all the information she requires to develop and educated insight/opinion regarding an issue. She’s extremely kind, personable and a pleasure to work with. I absolutely recommend her services to everyone and anyone.”
— Jacquie B.
“I am very impressed with Jennifer’s work as a nutritionist. She is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about health and wellness. She has provided me extensive alternatives when dealing with strong sugar cravings. I am so blessed to know Jennifer and when I disclosed to her that I was pregnant and my worries about turning to sugar, cheese and processed stuff, she immediately was supportive to me and gave me so many healthy alternatives that I would not have known had I not asked her. She shared with me easy recipes on how to incorporate nutrients and also informed me on why it it best to avoid certain things. Jennifer also gave me such valuable tips on what to eat as a nursing mother to ensure baby is getting all the nutrients needed. By getting her support and guidance, it helped me to be more disciplined when eating and being more mindful of what is going in my body. Jennifer is compassionate and calm and has a nurturing personality that makes you want to ask her any question. She has been the most helpful person to me in my journey to change my diet and wanting to have a more healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend Jennifer to be your number one consult for asking her any questions in regards to your health”
— Shehla S.
“Jennifer’s dietary recommendations helped to reduce the inflammation in my back and also assisted me in balancing my hormones, which also helped to restore balance with my metabolism. This enabled me to have more flexibility in my spine and better overall health. I would definitely recommend Jennifer’s services.”